Jesus, a Stand-Up Comedian

“If God would stop telling jokes, I might act serious.”
– Tukaram (Muslim poet)
“My Lord told me a joke
And seeing him laugh had done more for me
than any scripture I will
ever read”

– Meister Eckhart (Christian mystic)

I think Jesus is one of the top comedians of all time.

He makes you laugh hard.

You are slapping your thighs, jaws unhinged with laughter until you realize the joke is on you. For Jesus’ comedy has a sharp edge to it: It exposes your contradictions, and comedy’s oxygen for laughter is the exposing of contradictions.

You can choose to laugh at yourself, which is the beginning of transformation because people who take themselves seriously fear change. People who can laugh at themselves have taken the first step towards change.

Comedy is also a great way to get past defensiveness. Laughing relaxes your body, and relaxed body is a relaxed mind. It is Trojan Horse of sort, except that what it wants to sneak past the impenetrable wall of defensiveness is truth. Once truth is in, you can’t stop it from its work of dismantling lies.

I think parables work very much like a stand-up comedy routine. They build on common assumptions until the unexpected punchline upturns all of the previous assumptions. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s so knee-slapping funny! How else do you explain 5,000 people listening to Jesus while deaf to their growling stomachs? No teaching, no matter how good, can sustain a crowd that long without humor. At the end of many parables, people clapped and said, “That’s a good one!” They went back home and said to others, “Hey did you hear the one about the slave who buried his treasure?”

The humor in parables is lost to us because no matter how we reconstruct the historical context through commentaries, we simply don’t get all the cultural references in Jesus’ words. There was a wealth of common stories, tropes and assumptions Jesus plumbed when he shared parables. For example, when he says, “The kingdom of Heaven is like …” he was accessing the common memory bank of all previous Kingdom of God stories told by other rabbis. We can only explain ourselves into the common assumptions that are the piano keys of parables — and when you explain a joke, you have lost the punchline.

Another thing that keeps us from fully understanding the humor is that we are usually reading the parable with our eyes alone. Even the material of great comedians of our day isn’t as good on paper as it is in the air where it hits our ears. Part of the humor is the physicality of the comedian, the body of the comedian and the air-vibrating words themselves, spoken and inflected. Comedy is a physical experience…
(continue to read at Presbyterian Outlook)

Voting as a Christian

I was excited about voting this morning because I was initiating my wife to the privileges of her civic duty. She will experience the power of her new citizenship (she was naturalized last year), and with the flick of her wrist she is going to place a person in the most powerful position on earth, the presidency of U.S. There is a strange kick you get out of sharing this power, as if you are bringing up a novitiate to your privileged circle. On top of this, it was a historical election because for the first time in U.S. a black candidate was on the ballot!

But our trip to “making history” had to wait as my wife wanted to help Elina make her own little history: eat, digest, and poop out that penny in her stomach that had been there for a nerve wrecking week. For my wife, the home duties took priority over national duties which was a bit frustrating to me because after all, this only comes once in four years, and such historic vote! 

While on the voting line, which was wonderfully long, she fussed more about Elina who was fascinated by the cuts of every little pebble. As we walked out of the booth I asked her, hardly unable to contain my enthusiasm, how she felt about it. She answered right away, “It’s past Elina’s naptime,” which made the historical moment pedestrian.


Then I asked her who she voted for? She said “McCain.” “What do you mean?! I voted for Obama and you voted for McCain which basically negates my vote. Numerically, we came out for nothing?!” “It’s my vote,” she replied as she buckled in Elina. She wielded her power.

I think maybe putting God first is a little bit like how my wife put Elina first. Civic duty is important, but our heart and our concern is always God’s Kingdom, and God’s Kingdom is always concern for the weakest of us. Leadership at the top does matter. Obama’s presidency will bring change (for good or ill is up to the judgment of history). But as Christians we know who is actually the head-honcho: Jesus who came as a homeless baby. Maybe, putting God’s Kingdom over other nations is not so much creating a more powerful organization over the claims of state, but simply caring for the weakest.